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Leased Websites

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Leased Websites

It's always good to learn from the experience of others also. Many corporates have a whole plethora of sites in addition to the corporate site where each subsidiary website deals with a single product of the company.All these sites in themselves are SEO tuned and continuously worked upon. However, doing a network of SEO tuned websites for a given business could become very expensive if all were to be under the same SEO Package as discussed in preceding section. This is where we have the service of “Leased Websites” which work out to be almost 70% cheaper as compared with the site being under a regular SEO Package.



The major advantages of having Leased Websites (in addition to a SEO tuned Corporate site) are:

1. Increases the possibility of Driving a competitor down on SERP or/and increase the visibility density on SERP.
2. Lower cost per site as compared to the individual sites being under regular SEO package
3. Less keywords to work with as each site is primarily aimed to be dedicated to a single product, service.
4. As a result of 3 above, possibility to use keywords with a typo which also matters.
5. Each site is SEO optimized and continuously tuned for visibility on SERP for given keywords in the segment.
6. No separate site designing charges.
7. No separate hosting charges.
8. No domain registration/renewal charges.
9. Possibility to use SEO friendly domain names for the Leased Websites.
10. Each site is linked to the Corporate Site thereby increasing the quantity of quality inbound links which are business relative and hence never viewed negatively by Google for example. As against this Google has started penalizing sites that buy links from link farm type of sites. In fact after the recent PANDA update (Google algorithm) all link farm sites are being heavily penalized and all sites being linked from there are also impacted. Many link farm sites which used to sell placement of links for link-backs have been
permanently blacklisted.
11. Higher visibility on search engines with both the corporate and leased site(s) all being promoted through Search engines and our own services.
12. No bandwidth restrictions, space restrictions. No FTP/Mail/Control panel access is however provided on leased websites domains. If all this is needed then the site will have to be upgraded to the regular SEO package. In short all that is needed from the client is data and images in soft copies. We handle the rest with no hidden charges. There are a few listing services (we wouldn't name them here) on web which charge a huge amount and yet do not allow you to place links to your other sites. They claim to hold all copyright to the data although the data is yours. This is ridiculous! As against this, we place links to all other sites of the same client, all copyright on data and images explicitly provided by the client is of the client.

Terms Of Leased Websites Contract:

Contract Term : Annual renewable.
Minimum sites under package : 1 to 5 sites
Cost/site/year : Call +91-9893556010 or email ites@vcs.co.in
Payment Terms : 50% advance and balance 50% upon taking first site live.
Payment mode : Through bank against Invoice.
Gestation period : 3-4 months for results to start showing up.
Taxes : As applicable from time to time.

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